

可用性: 斯坦尼斯选项


人类与海洋有着亲密的关系. 它提供我们呼吸的空气, influences weather, regulates global climate, and provides vital resources that affects 我们生活的方方面面. 世界上大约40%的人口居住在60英里以内 (100 km) of the coast, making them particularly vulnerable to changes in sea level, coastal degradation, flooding, and the damaging effects of hurricanes. 海洋经济 contributes more than 300 billion dollars annually and over 3 millions jobs to the 美国经济. 的 海洋 environment is therefore vital to our planet and our well-being.  海洋科学家在USM研究范围广泛 研究的主题 aimed at understanding ocean processes so that we may better understand the current and future role of the ocean in Earth systems, and better preserve and protect our 海洋资源. 

请求的信息如何申请    应用



  • A working understanding of the four major fields of 海洋 科学: physical oceanography, geological oceanography, biological oceanography, and 海洋 chemistry
  • A 'cross-discipline' appreciation of ocean processes and how they regulate global 气候、海洋生态系统和维持全球渔业
  • A broad range of practical, analytical, and laboratory skills, including field work 在海上,数据分析和最先进的仪器
  • 如何有效地向广大受众传播科学

的 foundation provided by our 程序 has consistently assisted our students in continuing their career paths in research, teaching and other sectors around the country both at a University level as well as within federal agencies such as the Navy, NOAA, EPA, 和美国地质调查局.

Admission is competitive and is based on several criteria, including GPA, course background, GRE scores, three letters of recommendation, resume/CV, and a statement of purpose.

的 Marine Science 程序s also require each student to have a faculty sponsor, who 担任学术和研究顾问. 我们强烈鼓励学生去识别 一位教师的赞助者 海洋科学学院 在申请入学之前,虽然这不是强制性的. 

All students admitted into the 程序 will be considered for assistantship, either 通过研究、教学或联谊. 然而,由于资源有限,助学金 会有竞争力吗.

该计划的录取是通过 南加州大学研究生院. 申请必须由 3月1日 作为秋季入学的充分考虑. 春季入学申请截止日期 is 9月1日. 的se deadlines are earlier than the general deadlines set by the 研究生院.

的 Marine Science 程序 generally accepts applicants for regular 入学 with 以下GPA:

M.S. 项目- GPA不低于3分.所有本科课程都是0分
Ph.D. 项目- GPA不低于3分.5分所有研究生课程(如果进入 硕士学位),或平均绩点不低于3.所有本科课程5分(如果入学) 具有学士学位)
Applicants with a GPA below the standards above have potential to receive conditional 入学. Students granted conditional 入学 are generally not eligible for assistantship 在入学时提供支持.



的 Division of Marine Science offers a graduate fellowship 每年 for a prospective 攻读海洋科学博士或硕士学位的学生. 奖学金包括学费。 并在获奖者项目的第一年提供有竞争力的津贴. 所有的常规 申请人将被考虑申请该奖学金. 有竞争力的奖学金候选人 will have a strong academic background and prior research experience is preferred, 但不是必需的. 鼓励合格的候选人联系潜在的教员 advisors to discuss their research and education interests prior to applying to the 程序. This fellowship is offered for Fall entry to the 程序 and the deadline 要考虑的是 2月1日 每年.  


学生海洋学学会(SOS)在约翰C. 斯坦尼斯航天中心 in 1992 by a group of 海洋 科学 graduate students from 的 University of Southern 密西西比海洋科学分部. 该组织的成立是为了提供学术和 networking assistance to 海洋 科学 graduate students and to offer a means for the student body to voice any concerns they may have directly to the faculty. 会员 is open to all part-time and full-time students enrolled in the department of 海洋 科学. SOS offers assistance with: an SOS Scholarship, social networking, help with homework, rides to and from 斯坦尼斯, housing accommodation upon arrival, and proofreaders 论文和演讲. SOS鼓励社区和部门参与 基于社会和外展活动. SOS旨在促进沟通和协作 between students and scientists across locations, including 斯坦尼斯, USM Gulf Park, USM GCRL和USM九游国际棋牌的位置. 活动包括各种教育 outreach activities, student social hours, a spring crawfish boil, etc.. 看到我们的 脸谱网页面.

欲了解更多信息,请联系SOS主席, Oladeji % 20 siyanbola,或是SOS的指导老师, Dr. 约翰逊Oguntuase.


  • 总统:奥拉德吉·斯扬博拉
  • 副总统:哈米德·阿吉巴德
  • 秘书:Peter Komolafe
  • 司库:阿格诺·鲁宾·德·阿西斯
  • 教授:约翰逊Oguntuase


MTS was incorporated in June 1963 to give 成员 of academia, government and industry 交流信息和思想的公共论坛. MTS的指导目的 is to promote awareness, understanding, advancement, and application of 海洋 technology. Today, MTS is a growing organization, boasting a 成员hip of businesses, institutions, individual professionals and students who are ocean engineers, technologists, policy 创客和教育者. USM的MTS的地方分会与墨西哥湾沿岸家长工作 chapter to fill labor gaps within the local 海洋-industries, facilitate a broader understanding of the relevance of 海洋 technology to wider global issues by enhancing the dissemination of 海洋 technology information, promote and improve 海洋 technology and related education 程序s, and advance the development of the tools and procedures required to explore, study and further the responsible and sustainable use of the 海洋.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 % 20章总统 或分会顾问, Dr. Stephan豪顿.


  • 教授:Stephen Howden
  • 主席:科里·帕格特
  • 副主席:贝蒂娜·布罗坎普
  • 司库:塔斯尼姆伊斯兰


Founded in 1968 as the Oceanography Coordinating Committee by 成员 of the Institute 美国电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE 海洋能 1983年更名为现名. 该协会联合举办国内和国际活动 Oceans conference with the Marine Technology Society 每年 to foster communication between academia, government, and industry and to promote the advancement of oceanographic 科研设备与质量. 海洋能的愿景是促进 objectives of the society around the world through networking, conferences and publications with a focus on the future through extensive support of our student and young professional 成员. 的 goals of the USM chapter are to: foster interest in 海洋 科学, hydrographic 科学, and ocean engineering; engage K-12 students in outreach events and technical demonstrations; communicate the importance of maritime research to coastal communities; 扩大学生会员的交流机会. 看到我们的 脸谱网页面

欲了解更多信息,请联系 % 20章总统% 20或是分会顾问 Dr. 凯末尔Cambazoglu.


  • 教员:凯末尔Cambazoglu  
  • 主席:Nahruma Mehzabeen Pieu
  • 副主席:侯赛因·萨兰
  • 秘书:Ardian Mahiru Rizal
  • 司库:是的,达斯

查看我们的 研讨会系列 时间表,展示海洋科学研究.

出版物 校友毕业论文

的 links below '可用性' will bring you to the course requirements for each 程序在USM目录.


度计划 可用性
  • 专业的科学家
  • 环境顾问
  • 海洋技术人员
  • 项目经理
  • Eve Eisemann, MS 2016
    研究物理科学家工程师研究 & 开发中心-美国陆军
  • 阿曼达·麦吉,2014年硕士
  • 马修·多恩巴克,MS 2011
    生物海洋学家NOAA NCEI

